Show-room virtuali interattivi
Nuove possibilità di interazione fra prodotti e brand.
EvoRoom® è il servizio di progettazione di show-room virtuali interattivi, che nasce dall’esperienza plasma® nei settori architettura-modellazione CAD-fotorealismo-progettazione digitale.
Virtual interactive show-rooms
New possibilities for interaction between products and brands.
EvoRoom® is the design service for interactive virtual showrooms, which belongs from plasma® experience in the architecture-CAD modeling-photorealism-digital design fields.
An immersive virtual space, which can be visited from any device (including VR viewers), which can be a 1: 1 copy of an existing physical space or designed and built from scratch.
A strategic solution for companies that intend to show their collections and catalog products to the public, without geographical, social, spatial and temporal limitations.